10 Scary Movies You Must Watch on Halloween Night

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10 Scary Movies You Must Watch on Halloween Night

Image by Bany_MM from Pixabay

TNews - Halloween night is the perfect time to celebrate the spirit of horror and suspense. For horror movie enthusiasts, watching scary films has become an inevitable tradition when Halloween arrives. In this article, we will review ten scary movies that are a must-watch on Halloween night. Each movie has its uniqueness in offering captivating horror stories. So, grab some popcorn and get ready to be immersed in a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere.

1. Halloween (1978)

The first film that must be included in this list is "Halloween," released in 1978. This film is one of the best slasher horror movies of all time. Directed by John Carpenter, the movie tells the story of Michael Myers, a psychiatric patient who escapes from prison and returns to his small town. He attempts to kill babysitters and their friends, creating an incredibly tense atmosphere throughout the film. The iconic musical theme of the film also contributes to building tension. "Halloween" is a must-watch for those who enjoy dark and suspenseful horror.

2. Ginger Snaps (2000)

"Ginger Snaps," released in 2000, is a horror film that narrates the story of two sisters, Ginger and Brigitte, who undergo a horrific ordeal when one of them is attacked by a mysterious creature and transformed into a werewolf. The film explores themes of transformation, sisterhood, and tension in a unique way. With a strong plot and deep characters, "Ginger Snaps" is the right choice for horror fans looking for something different.

3. Trick 'r Treat (2007)

Next, there is "Trick 'r Treat," a horror anthology film that combines several short stories with a Halloween theme. The film presents terrifying stories intertwined in one mysterious Halloween night. "Trick 'r Treat" draws inspiration from Halloween traditions and urban legends, creating the perfect horror atmosphere for the night. The film successfully merges diverse stories into an entertaining and suspenseful narrative.

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4. The Houses October Built (2014)

"The Houses October Built," released in 2014, is a found footage horror film that follows a group of friends in search of the best haunted house experience in America. As they travel to find truly frightening haunted houses, they encounter something much more terrifying. The film delivers unexpected tension, making the audience feel like they are on the journey. If you enjoy horror films with a sense of realism, "The Houses October Built" is the right choice.

5. The Babadook (2014)

"The Babadook," released in 2014, is a psychological horror film that tells the story of a single mother, Amelia, who battles a monster in her mind. When a mysterious children's book titled "Mister Babadook" appears in their home, the lives of Amelia and her son, Samuel, turn into a nightmare. The film portrays Amelia's inner conflict and presents a palpable atmosphere of suspense. "The Babadook" is a film that focuses on psychology and emotional tension, suitable for those seeking deeper horror.

6. The Conjuring (2013)

"The Conjuring," released in 2013, is a supernatural horror film starring the famous paranormal investigator couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren. They are called to help the Perron family, who are terrorized by malevolent forces in their home. Based on a true story, the film is considered one of the best horror films of the past decade. With a dark atmosphere, excellent performances, and constant tension, "The Conjuring" is the perfect choice for Halloween night.

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7. Hereditary (2018)

"Hereditary," released in 2018, is a psychological horror film that tells the story of the Graham family, who are entangled in their family's curse. When the mother, Annie, begins to uncover dark secrets about their family heritage, their lives turn into a nightmare. The film is known for its suspenseful atmosphere, outstanding acting, and surprising plot. "Hereditary" questions the boundaries between sanity and insanity.

8. It Follows (2014)

"It Follows," released in 2014, is a unique supernatural horror film. The movie tells the story of a young girl named Jay, who is pursued by a supernatural entity after a sexual encounter. To escape the entity's pursuit, Jay must have a sexual encounter with someone else and pass on the curse. This unique concept creates continuous tension, and the film has become one of the best horror films of the past decade. "It Follows" is a different yet fascinating choice for Halloween night.

9. A Quiet Place (2018)

"A Quiet Place," released in 2018, is a sci-fi horror film that narrates the story of the Abbott family, who must live in silence to avoid alien predators. These creatures are highly sensitive to sound, so the Abbott family must strive to remain quiet to survive. The film explores family themes, the struggle for survival, and the eerie impact of silence. "A Quiet Place" is the right choice for those looking for horror with a unique atmosphere.

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10. Let the Right One In (2008)

Lastly, there is "Let the Right One In," a supernatural horror film released in 2008. The film tells the story of a young boy who befriends a small vampire named Eli. They form a strong bond, and Eli helps the young boy face bullies at his school. "Let the Right One In" is filled with classic horror elements such as vampires but also depicts a deep human relationship. The film is profound and highly engaging.

Halloween night is the perfect time to explore the world of horror films. From movies with psychological plots to supernatural tales, this list has something for every horror enthusiast. Each film has its unique charm in how it creates tension, fear, and uncertainty. So, choose a film that suits your taste and enjoy Halloween night with the suspenseful atmosphere they offer. We hope this list helps you find the perfect scary movies to watch on Halloween night. Enjoy and happy Halloween!

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10 Scary Movies You Must Watch on Halloween Night